Exterior House Painters Melbourne

Exterior house painting needs to be carried out by a professional team like San Marco Deco Painting Contractors. The main reason for this is that we take time in identifying any existing problems that may impact the exterior surfaces of your home such as mold, mildew, weather damage or timber rot. We fix these problems prior to any paint being applied through pressure washing, wood rot treatment and exterior paint preparation methods so as to ensure these problems are eliminated. We are best exterior house painter hawthorn.

The second stage of the process is to ensure the surface will offer good adhesion to the finishing coats of paint. We ensure the surfaces have a good key which is achieved by through sanding (also removing imperfections from the surface and blending in areas that have been filled) followed by undercoating where required. exterior painters 

Top coats are applied using only premium materials that last in Melbourne’s harsh weather. Our highly skilled team ensure a superior paint finish and work to Occupational Health and Safety Policies developed by San Marco Deco Painting Contractors, particularly when working at heights.

At the end of the job we tidy up garden beds, ensure our rubbish is disposed of and return fittings and fixtures to where they where at the beginning.




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